The Resiliency Summit brought together resiliency and stabilization professionals and practitioners from across the entire interagency. This forum allowed for the exchange of updates, best practices, identify capability gaps and other ideas to influence and enhance resiliency efforts. The Summit advances the renewed USG mandate to enhance interagency coordination for more effective and enduring stabilization, conflict prevention and mitigation, and atrocity prevention efforts worldwide.
Resiliency Summit December 12-14 2023
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Resiliency Readings
The concept of Resiliency as used by the defense community lacks a precise and commonly understood definition. There is no doctrinal definition of resiliency as it relates to stability operations and defense activities. The reading list below is an introduction to the growing use of Resiliency as a defense concept. The 2017 NSS introduces Resilience as a defense concept and the 2022 NSS continues the call to build Resilience. The US has applied a Resiliency concept towards health and climate change as well. Existing Joint doctrine refers to resiliency but does not define it nor use it as a stability concept.
The most well-developed concept of Resiliency for the military and defense communities comes from NATO. NATO has created doctrinal definitions and associated Resiliency with military stabilization activities.
Review the video and presentations in Resilience Overview for a quick introduction to working definitions and concepts. Next, review key US documents to see how Resiliency is understood at the national level. Take a look at JP 3-07 “Joint Stabilization Activities” and scan for resiliency usage. Finally, review NATO’s resiliency concept in particular the NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept and Jamie Shea’s article: Resilience: a core element of collective defence.
Resilience Overview:
What is Resilience, Video: What is resilience? – Stockholm Resilience Centre
Conceptual presentations:
Layered Resilience: Linkages between Resilience and State Stability, SEPT 2023 (.pptx)
Stability and Resilience Model (.pptx)
Resilience and State Stability (.pptx)
NSS Dec 2017, National Security Strategy 2017 – National Security Strategy Archive (
NSS Oct 2022, Biden-Harris Administration’s National Security Strategy.pdf (
NDS 2022, 2022 National Defense Strategy, Nuclear Posture Review, and Missile Defense Review
National Climate Resilience Framework, SEP 2023: National-Climate-Resilience-Framework-FINAL.pdf (
President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE) Action Plan, SEP 2022: Full-PREPARE-Plan.pdf (
Action Plan on Health and Resilience in the Americas, JUN 2022: documents IX Summit (
JP 3-07 JP 3-07 Joint Stabilization Activities | PKSOI (
USAID: Resilience at USAID
NWCC NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept: NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept – NATO’s ACT
Commitment to enhance resilience Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Warsaw, 8-9 July 2016 NATO – Official text: Commitment to enhance resilience – Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Warsaw, 8-9 July 2016, 08-Jul.-2016
Jamie Shea, Resilience: a core element of collective defence, Mar 2016, NATO Review NATO Review – Resilience: a core element of collective defence
Wolf-Diether Roepke, Hasit Thankey, Resilience: the first line of defence, Feb 2019, NATO Review NATO Review – Resilience: the first line of defence
Strengthened Resilience Commitment, NATO , Sept 2022: NATO – Official text: Strengthened Resilience Commitment (2021), 14-Jun.-2021
Resilience, civil preparedness and Article 3, NATO, AUG 2023: NATO – Topic: Resilience, civil preparedness and Article 3
Resilience Committee, NATO, OCT 2022: NATO – Topic: Resilience Committee
NATO-EU Taskforce on Resilience of Critical Infrastructure CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION & RESILIENCE – Launch of the EU-NATO Task Force on CI (
AJP 3.19 Allied Joint Doctrine for Civil-Military Cooperation, Ed A, V1, NV 2018 ajp-3.19-eda-v1-e.pdf (
Topics in Resilience: CIMIC-COE
Day 1 Briefs
Day 2 Briefs
Work Group Briefs
Event Points of Contact:
LTC Chris Nohle, (808) 783-6359,
Mr. Travis Bolio, (717) 462-3413,
Mr. Marcus Snow, (717) 824-0694,
December 12-14 2023 Event Photos
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