ATP 3-07.6 Protection of Civilians

Army Techniques Publication (ATP) 3-07.6, Protection of Civilians, replaces Army Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (ATTP) 3-37.31, Civilian Casualty Mitigation, dated 18 July 2012. ATP 3-07.6 is the primary doctrinal publication for the protection of civilians during unified land operations, including the mitigation of civilian casualties and mass atrocity response operations (MARO).

Climate Change: Considerations for Geographic Combatant Commands

DoD’s Geographic Combatant Commands (GCCs) have the imperative to assess their Theater Campaign Plans in response to DoD’s recent 2014 Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap. As a ‘case-study’ relevant to all GCCs this paper Climate Change: Considerations for Geographic Combatant Commands analyzes the risks and opportunities facing U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) in reviewing climate change impacts primarily in the Caribbean region of its Area of Operations.

SOLLIMS Sampler Special Edition – Cross-Cutting Guidelines for Stability Operations

July 8, 2015

Cross-Cutting Guidelines for Stability Operations: This special edition SOLLIMS Sampler provides Lessons Learned on the following cross-cutting principles: Host Nation Ownership & Capacity; Political Primacy; Legitimacy; Unity of Effort; Security; Conflict Transformation; and, Regional Engagement.  These principles are outcome-focused; they serve as overarching themes that should guide all actions/efforts toward desired stability outcomes.

SOLLIMS Sampler Special Edition – U.S. Army War College Students (2015)

May 15, 2015

In Academic Year 2015, U.S. Army War College students in PKSOI elective courses were given the opportunity to enter a lesson learned into the SOLLIMS database – based on operational experience, course readings, research, or case studies. Most lessons were at the strategic level; however, several students also submitted lessons at the operational and tactical levels. Lessons encompassed an array of stability topics, including Security, Development, and Rule of Law.