SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 5 Issue 1- Improving Host Nation Security through Police Forces

A safe and secure environment is one in which the population has the freedom to pursue daily activities without the fear of persistent or large-scale violence. Such an environment is characterized by absence of conflict; the protection of citizens, communities, government officials, infrastructure, and cultural/historical sites; the freedom for people and goods to move about the country and across borders without fear of harm; and, an adequate level of “public order.” “Public order” is the condition whereby laws are enforced equitably; the lives, property, freedoms, and rights of individuals are protected; criminal and politically motivated violence has been reduced to a minimum; and, criminal elements – from looters and rioters to leaders of organized crime networks – are pursued, arrested, and detained. Without question, police forces are critical enablers for both “public order” and the establishment of a safe and secure environment.
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