The Fate of the Civilian Surge in a Changing Environment

As the United States winds down its stabilization operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Department of State (DOS) and U.S. Agency for International Development will face bureaucratic and political pressures to abandon their already modest reconstruction and stabilization (R&S) lines of effort in favor of more traditional diplomacy and development assistance priorities. This period of relative peace allow policy makers to reflect on past challenges to creating a “civilian surge” capacity and determining feasible, acceptable, and suitable ways and means to ensure robust civilian participation in future R&S operations.

Stability Operations in Somalia 1992-1993: A Case Study

This stability operations case study project emerged from a Joint Requirements Oversight Council task to examine how Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) institutions teach operational planning for steady-state peacekeeping and stability operations. The Joint Staff J-7 requested the U.S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI), as the Joint Proponent for Peace and Stability Operations, accomplish a number of tasks to improve JPME curricula. As part of this effort, PKSOI is developing a series of professionally focused, historical case studies of successful joint peacekeeping and stability operations. The purpose of these case studies is to provide balanced analyses of the strategic conditions and guidance underlying each selected operation, and describe how military leaders successfully interpreted and implemented this guidance during the conduct of joint operations.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 7 Issue 2 – Invest in Training for and during Peace Operations

This SOLLIMS Sampler spotlights the criticality of Investing in Training for, and during, Peace and Stability Operations. Along with a selection of thought-provoking lessons, this Sampler provides an extensive list of references/ documents/links (see pages 41-42) that can serve as a “toolkit” for trainers, planners, and practitioners.

Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 6, Issue 3

May 25, 2016

PKSOI is honored to be designated as a NATO Partnership Training and Education Center in Brussels Belgium. On 5 April 2016 PKSOI was designated as a NATO PTEC. The new PKSOI Director will brief the past three months of PKSOI’s activities and events, the upcoming key events as well as introduce the articles in the journal.

Please click on the link below to view or download.

Volume 2, 2015-2016 Civil Affairs Issue Papers: Civil Affairs: A Force for Engagement and Conflict Prevention

The following CA award winning issues papers clearly illustrate many of the impending challenges for the CA force, and we recognize their innovative concepts and insight.
• First Place: “Renewed Relevance: CA Develop Human Networks for Effective Engagement,” by Maj. Arnel P. David.
• Second Place: “From Green to Blue: U.S. Army Civil Affairs and International Police Engagement,” by Capt. Rob Kobol, and “Civil Engagement as a Tool for Conflict Prevention: A Case Study,” by Capt. Tammy Sloulin and Lt. Col. Steve Lewis.
• Third Place: “The Role of Civil Affairs in Counter-Unconventional Warfare,” by Maj. Shafi Saiduddin.
• Fourth Place: “Civil Affairs Forces, U.S. Army Reserve, National Guard, and State Partnership Program: Is There Room for Engagement?” by Maj. David E. Leiva and Maj. John Nonnemaker.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 7 Issue 1 – Building Stable Governance

This publication presents a selection of lessons on “Building Stable Governance” – with examples from Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Sierra Leone, and other areas.  Lessons discuss local understanding, local ownership, security, conflict resolution, decentralization, public servants, state-citizen relations, and ‘steady state’ sustainment.  This compendium offers an extensive bibliography and several annexes on governance-related topics.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 6 Issue 4 – Shifts in United Nations Peacekeeping

UN Peacekeeping has recently experienced a number of “firsts” – the return of Europe to peacekeeping in Africa after two decades, an increase in intelligence capabilities in PK missions, the utilization of UAVs, the deployment of a UN ‘offensive’ combat force, and the opening of UN bases to protect civilians.  Missions have also suffered from sexual exploitation and benefited from all-female police units.  This Sampler provides Lessons on these topics in light of the June 2015 HIPPO Report.