2020.01 United Nations Infantry Battalion Manual (UNIBAM)

The purpose of the 2020.01 United Nations Infantry Battalion Manual (UNIBAM) is two-fold. It provides Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) with guidance on how to train, equip units deploying to UN Peacekeeping Missions, and it provides battalion commanders and staff, company commanders, platoon commanders and sub-unit leaders in UN Peacekeeping with a reference to effectively plan and conduct operations and tasks in support of a UN mandate. This manual does not replace national doctrine. Rather, it is designed to highlight UN operational standards, which should be overlaid on existing doctrine, thereby assisting a conventional Infantry Battalion (Inf Bn) operating in its national role to prepare for UN operations as ‘blue helmets’. While this manual is designed to assist the deploying/deployed UN Inf Bn, it should also serve as a guide for national and UN Headquarters (UNHQ) planners, and for those who train, support, enable and utilize UN peacekeeping Inf Bns. This manual cannot be read in isolation from other UN guidance and policy documents. Readers must first understand the principles of UN missions, the role of the military component (MC) within the mission, and the required ethics and conduct for TCCs, as described in UN mandates and doctrine. This manual is part of broader UN doctrine and should be read with publications including the UN Military Peacekeeping-Intelligence (MPKI) Handbook. This is the second edition of this Manual.
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