UNMISS – Mission’s Political Activities
Last updated: 12 November 2020

The Mission protects, monitors, investigates, and reports on human rights violations and abuses with a strong focus on the most vulnerable, such as women and children, and those who are subjected to sexual and gender-based violence.
The Mission is committed to helping build durable peace in South Sudan. It does this by working as an impartial partner at a national and sub-national level with political, religious, traditional and community leaders as well as at grassroots with communities and individuals across the country. The priorities are to advance reconciliation efforts, to strengthen conflict resolution mechanisms, and build national cohesion as well as to engage in regional and international peace initiatives.
UNMISS believes that the path to peace for South Sudan is political rather than through violence. The guns must be silenced so that genuine dialogue and reconciliation can take place and enduring peace be achieved for the people of this country.
Other source:
“The report focuses on the most recent period of UNMISS’ mandate (2014-18), aiming to provide a “snapshot” of the mission’s work across its four main mandate areas: the protection of civilians (PoC), facilitation of humanitarian delivery, promotion of…”
These products are the results of academic research and intended for general information and awareness only. They include the best information publicly available at the time of publication. Routine efforts are made to update the materials; however, readers are encouraged to check the specific mission sites at https://unmiss.unmissions.org or https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/mission/unmiss.
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United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
Senior Leaders of the Mission / Mandate / Strength / Deployment of Forces / Casualties / Mission’s Political Activities / Mission’s Military and Police Activities / Security Council Reporting and mandate cycles / Background of Conflict / Timeline