UNMISS – Mandate

Last updated: 12 November 2020

Information on the UNMISS Mandate can be found at https://unmiss.unmissions.org/mandate.

Current mandate – UNSecurity Council Resolution 2514 (2020) – designate the following points as their priority tasks.

  • Protect the Civilian Population, by all necessary means within its capacity and areas of deployment. This includes deterring violence through proactive deployments and active patrolling with particular attention to internally displaced persons (IDPs) including those in PoC sites and refugee camps, humanitarian personnel and human rights defenders. Other PoC activities mentioned in the mandate include:
    •  Implementation of a mission-wide early warning strategy and specific information management mechanisms for responding to threats against the civilian population; 
    • Deter and prevent sexual and gender-based violence; 
    • Prevent and mitigate inter-communal conflict through mediation and community engagement; 
    • Support community violence reduction programs that engage women and youth; Facilitate the safe and voluntary return of displaced persons
  • Creating the conditions conducive to the delivery of humanitarian assistance to contribute, in close coordination with humanitarian actors;
  • Supporting the Implementation of the Revitalised Agreement and the Peace Process: to carry out, within its capabilities, the following tasks in support of the implementation of the Revitalised Agreement and the peace process, and recognizing that the tasks outlined in paragraph 10 are essential to creating an enabling environment for implementation of the Revitalised Agreement and the peace process;
  • Monitoring and investigating human rights: to monitor, investigate, verify, and report immediately, publicly, and regularly on abuses and violations of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, including those that may amount to war crimes or crimes against humanity,  specifically and publicly on violations and abuses committed against children and women, including those involving all forms of sexual and gender-based violence in armed conflict. 

Previous Security Council Resolutions relevant to UNMISS can be found at:








Resolution 1996 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan

Related with: 1325 , 1502 , 1612 , 1674 , 1820 , 1882 , 1888 , 1889 , 1894 , 1960  / Quoted in: 2057 , 2109 , 2132 , 2155 , 2187 , 2223 , 2241 , 2252 , 2302 , 2304 , 2326 , 2327 , 2392 , 2406 , 2459

These products are the results of academic research and intended for general information and awareness only. They include the best information publicly available at the time of publication. Routine efforts are made to update the materials; however, readers are encouraged to check the specific mission sites at https://unmiss.unmissions.org or https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/mission/unmiss.