SOLLIMS Sampler Volume5 Issue 4- Reconstruction and Development

The complexities of Reconstruction and Development – finding ways to immediately engage local groups in reconstruction efforts; establishing priorities for infrastructure development (power, roads, ports, telecommunications, schools, hospitals/clinics, etc.); generating employment / providing jobs for the unemployed and the underemployed; determining feasibility of public works programs; rehabilitating the agricultural sector; developing an effective civil service; partnering with host nation organizations/officials; conducting economic assessments; identifying and prioritizing projects, businesses, and economic activities along with associated resourcing; soliciting participation from the private sector and multinational corporations; and so on – have challenged civilian and military leaders, planners, and practitioners over the course of recent operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other countries and regions. This report provides eight lessons from the SOLLIMS database that highlight the importance of discussing, dissecting, and analyzing these difficult issues of Reconstruction and Development – and the greater need for crafting.
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