Stability in Multi-Domain Battle

Multi-Domain Battle (MDB) is an operational concept developed by the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) that describes ground combat operations against sophisticated peer and near-peer threats. In February 2017, TRADOC published a white paper titled “Multi-Domain Battle: Combined Arms for the 21st Century” to initiate the discussion of MDB across the Army and the Joint Force. TRADOC subsequently published a more detailed description of MDB in “Multi-Domain Battle: Evolution of Combined Arms for the 21st Century 2025-2040” along with the new Army Operations doctrinal series (ADP 3-0, ADRP 3-0, and FM 3-0) in October 2017.1 These documents are designed “promote thought and discussion concerning the methods and capabilities required to confront sophisticated adversaries” as well as “to inform further concept development, wargaming, experimentation, and capability development.

Stabilization: A New Approach to Whole of Government Operational Planning and Execution

The United States has a compelling national security interest to promote stability in select fragile and conflict-affected states.  Such an operational environment is complex and requires a whole-of-U.S. Government response, coupled with non-governmental and international partners and supported by the affected nation to achieve their own national goals.  Since 1947, the national security system has struggled to handle effectively the range and complexity of the existing global threats and opportunities.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 9 Issue 2- Inclusive Peacebuilding: Working with Communities

Peacebuilding efforts cannot succeed without the ownership of local stakeholders, but local perspectives are at times obscured at international/national levels.  As such, this Sampler emphasizes the importance of consulting local communities to build sustainable peace.  Lessons focus on practical methods to work inclusively with local communities and institutions around the world, demonstrating a variety of effective tools and techniques to prevent and transform violent conflict.

2017-2018 Civil Affairs Issue Papers: Civil Affairs: A Force for Consolidating Gains

The issue of the role of Civil Affairs in consolidation activities – across all phases and in particular the human domain – was the main focus of the opening workshop. MG Sonntag noted how timely this event was given how Secretary of Defense James Mattis and National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster (the 2015 Symposium keynote speaker) see the increased need to consolidate military and security gains into political and civil outcomes.

Program Management Approach to Stability Operations

This monograph Program Management Approach to Stability Operations explores how and why to pursue the integrated program management function as a means to improve the effectiveness of stability operations. Section 1 of the analysis defines a traditional military approach to stability operations and a traditional program management approach. Section 2 juxtaposes stability operations with program management to showcase already-existing similarities. Section 3 applies four program management domains to stability operations to demonstrate potential benefits. Section 4 highlights how the application of program management functions to stability operations is compatible with the interagency approach. Lastly, Section 5 discusses Army Acquisition Corps capabilities that the Army can modify to perform this role.

JP 3-07.3 Peace Operations

JP 3-07.3 Peace Operations are activities intended to build, keep, enforce, or make peace, or when necessary, prevent conflict. They include crisis response and limited contingency operations and frequently involve international military missions to contain conflict, restore peace, and shape the strategic security environment to support reconciliation and rebuilding, as well as to facilitate the transition to legitimate governance. They include peacekeeping operations (PKO), peace building, peacemaking, conflict prevention, and peace enforcement operations (PEO). Peace operations may be conducted under the sponsorship of the United Nations (UN), another international organization, within a coalition of nations, or unilaterally. The UN and other international organizations often refer to a peace operations organization as a mission.

To read JP 3-07.3 Peace Operations on JDEIS (CAC required) : JP 3-07

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 9 Issue 1- Monitoring & Evaluation for Peace and Stability

In complex conflict systems, it can be challenging to measure the progress of initiatives intended to gain peace and stability.  Lessons in this Sampler focus on the importance of Monitoring & Evaluation for Peace and Stability, examining best practices and providing diverse examples of M&E from a variety of military and civilian initiatives in conflict environments across the globe. 

Stability Operations in Kosovo 1999-2000: A Case Study

This Stability Operations in Kosovo 1999-2000: A Case Study examines the intervention and stability operations in Kosovo from March 24, 1999 through approximately 2 years thereafter. Set during the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia and preceded by ethnic carnage in Bosnia, Croatia, and elsewhere, the intervention, named Operation ALLIED FORCE, was executed in order to protect Kosovars of Albanian descent from the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian leaders of the remaining federation of Yugoslavia.

Supporting, Non-Standard Mission Role: U.S. Operations in Liberia, 2014-2015, that Enabled The U.S. and UN Response to the EVD Outbreak

Operation UNITED ASSISTANCE (OUA), which deployed to Liberia between September 2014 and June 2015, provides an example of how a Joint Force can support a lead federal agency (LFA), in this case the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other interagency and international partners to end a raging epidemic of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).

Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 7, Issue 2

October 3, 2017

This journal is dedicated to the outcomes from our annual Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop or PSOTEW, held from 5 thru 7 April 2017.  PKSOI’s 11th annual PSOTEW brought over 160 members of the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Community of Practice in a roundtable format.  Many roundtable concepts translated into PSOTEW workgroup initiatives and potential training and education solutions to mitigate numerous challenges facing the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations community.

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