SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 9 Issue 3- Complexities & Efficiencies in Peacekeeping Operations

This Sampler provides a selection of lessons covering certain complexities & challenges of peacekeeping operations, including: protecting peacekeepers, reducing violence, optimizing robustness, conducting strategic communications, advancing inclusive mediation, managing transitions, and improving environmental impacts.  Along with the lessons, this document also provides annexes with additional insights and resources on peacekeeping.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 9 Issue 2- Inclusive Peacebuilding: Working with Communities

Peacebuilding efforts cannot succeed without the ownership of local stakeholders, but local perspectives are at times obscured at international/national levels.  As such, this Sampler emphasizes the importance of consulting local communities to build sustainable peace.  Lessons focus on practical methods to work inclusively with local communities and institutions around the world, demonstrating a variety of effective tools and techniques to prevent and transform violent conflict.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 9 Issue 1- Monitoring & Evaluation for Peace and Stability

In complex conflict systems, it can be challenging to measure the progress of initiatives intended to gain peace and stability.  Lessons in this Sampler focus on the importance of Monitoring & Evaluation for Peace and Stability, examining best practices and providing diverse examples of M&E from a variety of military and civilian initiatives in conflict environments across the globe. 

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 8 Issue 2 – Operationalizing Women, Peace and Security

In light of the Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017 which was signed into law in the United States in October, this Sampler addresses two important questions:  “Why is WPS relevant to the security sector?” & “How can WPS be operationalized across the spectrum of conflict?”  Lessons are featured from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. 

Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 7, Issue 2

October 3, 2017

This journal is dedicated to the outcomes from our annual Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Training and Education Workshop or PSOTEW, held from 5 thru 7 April 2017.  PKSOI’s 11th annual PSOTEW brought over 160 members of the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Community of Practice in a roundtable format.  Many roundtable concepts translated into PSOTEW workgroup initiatives and potential training and education solutions to mitigate numerous challenges facing the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations community.

Please click on the link below to view or download.

SOLLIMS Sampler Special Edition, May 2017

May 9, 2017

This publication provides lessons on 6 leadership topics – moral and ethical decisions critical to operational success, understanding decisive change, preparation and repetition, knowledge management, coalition partner leadership, and junior leader development – all of which are topics of the 10th International Lessons Learned Conference

Peace & Stability Journal, Volume 7, Issue 1

April 21, 2017

Welcome to the most recent issue of the PKSOI Peace & Stability Journal. In this edition the PKSOI Director Colonel Gregory Dewitt will introduce the articles of the Journal, go over the past three months of PKSOI’s activities and also brief you on the upcoming major activities and events. This journal will feature articles from PKSOI Subject Matter Experts in their respective fields and also include articles from PKSOI interns. The feature article is from PKSOI’s own Commander Danny King titled: Migrants on the Sea.

Please click on the link below to view or download.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 8 Issue 1 – Civil Affairs in Stability Operations

This Sampler features lessons from a Civil Affairs (CA) perspective.  It first showcases challenges for the integration of civil considerations into military culture and then highlights lessons from recent/ongoing exercises and operations, many of which draw upon personal experiences of CA personnel working with interagency and international partners in the context of disaster relief, medical partnership, and displacement.

SOLLIMS Sampler Special Edition IDPs

Jaunary 24, 2017

This SOLLIMS Sampler [Special Edition] comes at a critical moment as global forcible displacement reaches an all-time high, surpassing levels post-WWII, and as violent conflicts driving displacement continue without abate, echoing in war-ravaged Aleppo.  While Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) often result from conflict, if the needs of both displaced people and host communities are not addressed, displacement itself may produce further instability.  This publication specifically examines lessons from Syria’s ongoing refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe, drawing on insights from prior situations of displacement to inform response to current crises.