WPS in the Military News Round Up: September

The WPS in the Military News Round Up: September highlights include articles on the gender considerations for military artificial intelligence, recommendations from the U.S. Army Special Operations Command study into the obstacles facing female Soldiers at USASOC, and the role of Women, Peace and Security in integrated deterrence. View these and other articles at the link below.

Note: The WPS in the Military News Round Up from PKSOI provides the U.S. Army WPS community of interest with a monthly round up of articles to raise awareness and knowledge of WPS. The articles in the WPS News Round Up are provided for your situational awareness, only, and are not endorsed by DOD, the Army, CAC, or PKSOI.

Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI)Peace Operations Estimate – UNDOF

UNDOF Executive Summary
UNDOF of the Golan Heights is one of five current missions with a Chapter VI mandate (sometimes referred to as a “traditional” mandate). Since 1974, the mission tasks have been to maintain the ceasefire between Israel and Syria and to supervise the areas of separation and limitation, as defined by the Separation of Forces Agreement between Israel and Syria (also known as the Agreement of Disengagement, which is the same title of a similar agreement between Israel and Egypt). However, in the 43 years of UNDOF—and the 50 years since the 1967 Six-Day War which resulted in the current disposition of borders—not much else has occurred to resolve the conflict. Instead, many contemporary factors further the complexity of the situation, to include: the ongoing Syrian civil war; larger regional concerns of transnational terrorism and other security issues; and the multi-generational Israeli occupation with its interwoven economic concerns.

Click on the links below to read more or to download this publication:

WPS in the Military News Round Up: August

The August WPS in the Military News Round Up includes articles on Women, Peace and Security in Professional Military Education, integrating WPS in Security Cooperation, and a list of WPS-related events.

Note: The WPS in the Military News Round Up from PKSOI provides the U.S. Army WPS community of interest with a monthly round up of articles to raise awareness and knowledge of WPS. The articles in the WPS News Round Up are provided for your situational awareness, only, and are not endorsed by DOD, the Army, CAC, or PKSOI.

Click on the links below to read or download:

WPS in the Military News Round Up: July

The July WPS News Round Up is out now. Highlights include articles on the Tennessee National Guard partnering with the Bulgarian Military on WPS, a look at the Department of the Air Force’s WPS Strategic Action Plan, and a short video explainer on ‘What is WPS?’ from CJTF-HOA.

Note: The WPS in the Military News Round Up from PKSOI provides the U.S. Army WPS community of interest with a monthly round up of articles to raise awareness and knowledge of WPS. The articles in the WPS News Round Up are provided for your situational awareness, only, and are not endorsed by DOD, the Army, CAC, or PKSOI.

Click on the links below to read or download:

WPS in the Military News Round Up: June

The June WPS in the Military news round up highlights include the United States assuming the Position of Chair of the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives; information on the Senior Enlisted Leader Women, Peace, and Security Seminar, co-hosted by SELs in U.S. SOUTHCOM and the Colombian Military Forces; and CENTCOM’s Women, Peace, and Security program explained in 15 minutes.

Note: The WPS in the Military News Round Up from PKSOI provides the U.S. Army WPS community of interest with a monthly round up of articles to raise awareness and knowledge of WPS. The articles in the WPS News Round Up are provided for your situational awareness, only, and are not endorsed by DOD, the Army, CAC, or PKSOI.

To read or download please click on the links below:

WPS in the Military News Round Up: April

The Women, Peace and Security in the Military News Round Up for April is out now. Highlights include articles on applying a gender perspective to space portfolios, cyber security, and the military recruiting crisis. Stay updated on the latest WPS news at the link below.

Note: The WPS in the Military News Round Up from PKSOI provides the U.S. Army WPS community of interest with a monthly round up of articles to raise awareness and knowledge of WPS. The articles in the WPS News Round Up are provided for your situational awareness, only, and are not endorsed by DOD, the Army, CAC, or PKSOI.

Click on the links below to view or download.

WPS in the Military News Round Up: March

The Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) in the Military News Round Up for March highlights include the ARSOUTH WPS Symposium, as well as upcoming WPS events for Women’s History Month. Stay updated on the latest WPS news at the link below.

The WPS in the Military News Round Up from PKSOI provides the U.S. Army WPS community of interest with a monthly round up of articles to raise awareness and knowledge of WPS. The articles in the WPS News Round Up are provided for your situational awareness, only, and are not endorsed by DOD, the Army, CAC, or PKSOI.

Click on the links below to view or download.

WPS in the Military News Round Up: January

The News Round Up from PKSOI, the U.S. Army Office of Primary Responsibility for WPS implementation, provides the U.S. Army WPS community of interest with a monthly round up of articles to raise awareness and knowledge of WPS. The articles in the WPS News Round Up are provided for your situational awareness, only, and are not endorsed by DOD.

Stay updated on the latest WPS current events at the links below.

WPS in the Military News Round Up: December

U.S. Army 1st Lt.Audrey Griffith, left, points to an area of interest while standing guard with Spc. Heidi Gerke during a force protection exercise at Forward Operating Base Hadrian in Uruzgan province, Afghanistan, March 18, 2013. Both women are members of the 92nd Engineer Battalion. (U.S. Army courtesy photo/Released)
Courtesy Photo
102d Public Affairs Detachment

The WPS News Round Up is a new monthly initiative from the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI), the U.S. Army Office of Primary Responsibility for WPS implementation, that will provide the U.S. Army WPS community of interest with a monthly round up of articles to raise awareness and knowledge of WPS efforts and initiatives. The articles in the WPS News Round Up are provided for your situational awareness, only. The contents do not reflect the official views of, nor are they endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or PKSOI.

To read or download this months WPS News Round Up please click on the links below.

If you would like to be added or removed from the monthly WPS News Round Up distro list, please email: antonieta.rico.ctr@army.mil. Please forward the email to other members of the US Army WPS community who might find the content valuable.


This framework, Defense Support to Stabilization (DSS): A Guide for Stabilization Practitioners, was developed over the past two years by PKSOI in cooperation with the Office of the Secretary of Defense—Counternarcotics and Stabilization Policy (OSD-CNSP), and in coordination with a wide-ranging planning team involving members from across the joint force and the interagency.

Created in fulfillment of Task 1.1.5 of the December 2020 Secretary of Defense’s Irregular Warfare Implementation Plan, this framework serves as a reference guide that outlines how the Department of Defense, in support of U.S. Government (USG) strategy and interagency partners, supports USG stabilization efforts, missions, and activities.

As this is a DoD framework, it begins by highlighting DoD policy for DSS outlined in DoD Directive 3000.05 Stabilization, before providing an overview of US strategy including the 2022 National Security Strategy, 2018 Stabilization Assistance Review, 2022 National Defense Strategy, 2020 Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability, and 2019 Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security. Following a review of other pertinent policy and doctrine, this framework outlines how the US Government in general, and DoD in particular, is organized to achieve US stabilization goals. The framework then details how the USG implements, and DoD supports, stabilization efforts.

Two appendixes detail the law governing Defense Support for Stabilization Activities (DSSA) and DoD implementation guidance for this important Security Cooperation program. Finally, there are twenty-three annexes of the U.S. strategies, policies, programs, and doctrine that comprise the USG and DoD framework for stabilization.

PKSOI, in coordination with OSD-CNSP, is committed to periodically updating this DSS Guide for Stabilization Practitioners as key strategies, policies, and doctrine are published.

To read or download this guide please click on the links below:
