UNMISS – Mission’s Military and Police Activities
Last updated: 12 November 2020

from UNMISS Military and Police
The UNMISS military, as mandated under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, has a role to support and assist in creating a safe and secure environment that will facilitate the implementation of the mission’s mandate and establish conditions necessary for stability in South Sudan.
The military aims to deter potential aggressors from harming the people of South Sudan and to support the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and other security agencies in protecting civilians. As far as possible, within its mandate, UNMISS armed forces assist the SPLA by encouraging, facilitating and demonstrating professionalism in its operations.
The key tasks of the UNMISS military are:
- Supporting the South Sudanese government and the SPLA in conflict prevention, mitigation and resolution and in the creation of a stable and secure environment;
- Physical protection of civilians under imminent threat of physical violence, particularly when the Government is not providing such security;
- Providing support to security sector reform and the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration process;
- Facilitating access and providing protection for civilian humanitarian and development actors;
- Assisting in efforts to build the capacity of the SPLA and other security agencies;
- Build relations and support South Sudanese communities through civil-military activities in areas such as health, veterinary practice and engineering; and
- Protecting of UN personnel, installations, and equipment.
UN Police (UNPOL) is vital in helping to promote peace and security. UN Police works to maintain public safety and security within UNMISS protection of civilians sites in accordance with international human rights standards, assisting with a wide range of activities.
UNPOL aims are to:
- Protection of civilians;
- Monitoring, and investigating human rights;
- Creating the conditions conducive to the delivery of humanitarian assistance; and
- Supporting the Implementation of the Agreement (To carry out, within its capabilities).
These products are the results of academic research and intended for general information and awareness only. They include the best information publicly available at the time of publication. Routine efforts are made to update the materials; however, readers are encouraged to check the specific mission sites at https://unmiss.unmissions.org or https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/mission/unmiss.
Country profile of South Sudan
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United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
Senior Leaders of the Mission / Mandate / Strength / Deployment of Forces / Casualties / Mission’s Political Activities / Mission’s Military and Police Activities / Security Council Reporting and mandate cycles / Background of Conflict / Timeline