SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 2 Issue 2- Economic Stabilization

Targeting Peace & Stability Ops Lessons & Best Practices. This lessons-learned compendium contains just a sample – thus the title of “sampler” – of the observations, insights, and lessons related to Economic Stabilization available in the SOLLIMS data repository. These observations are worth sharing with military commanders and their staffs, as well as civilian practitioners with a Stability Operations-related mission / function – those currently deployed into conflict environments, those planning to deploy, the institutional Army, policy makers and other international civilian and military leaders at the national and theater level.

Lessons Learned from U.S. Government Law Enforcement in International Operations

This paper Lessons Learned from U.S. Government Law Enforcement in International Operations has been produced as a part of the Law Enforcement Capabilities Project (LECP). The LECP is an initiative of the Emerging Capabilities Division (ECD) within the Rapid Reaction Technology Office (RRTO) of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD).

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 2 Issue 1- Transition to Local Governance

This SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 2 Issue 1- Transition to Local Governance compendium contains just a sample – thus the title of “sampler” – of the observations, insights, and lessons related to Economic Stabilization available in the JKO data repository transferred from the former SOLLIMS database. These observations are worth sharing with military commanders and their staffs, as well as civilian practitioners with a Stability Operations-related mission / function – those currently deployed into conflict environments, those planning to deploy, the institutional Army, policy makers and other international civilian and military leaders at the national and theater level.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 1 Issue 2- Rule of Law

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 1 Issue 2- Rule of Law is the second release of a SOLLIMS Sampler and the focus is on RoL and legitimacy in governance. This lessons-learned compendium contains just a sample – thus the title of “sampler” – of the observations, insights, and lessons related to the protection of civilians in conflict environments available in the JKO data repository transferred from the former SOLLIMS database. These observations are worth sharing with military commanders and their staffs, as well as civilian practitioners with a Stability Operations-related mission / function – those currently deployed into conflict environments, those planning to deploy, the institutional Army, policy makers and other international civilian and military leaders at the national and theater level.

Harnessing Post Conflict Transitions: A Conceptual Primer

This monograph Harnessing Post Conflict Transitions: A Conceptual Primer addresses the challenging topic of transition in post-conflict stability operations and is intended for a wide audience that includes military and civilian policymakers, international development experts, and scholars in academe. It is a primer, systematic review, and comprehensive assessment of the fields of research and practice.

U.S. Military Forces and Police Assistance in Stability Operations: The Least-Worst Option to Fill the U.S. Capacity Gap

The establishment of an effective police force is critical to security sector reform, justice sector reform, and the successful transition to the host nation’s security forces. But the United States lacks the institutional capacity to provide an immediate and coordinated civilian police training and advisory effort, particularly in a failed or fragile state.

Summary of Observations & Recommendations Concerning Security Sector Reform

Much can be gained through a “combined approach” to partnership in Stability Operations. In Afghanistan, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the
Host Nation Security Force have recently taken such a combined approach to their partnership. Their new combined partnership is essentially an “embedded” partnership – where forces and personnel are “embedded” through co-location. An “embedded’ partnership facilitates development of a common operating picture (COP), allows fully integrated operations, and improves effectiveness of the team – from planning through execution. Additionally, when the activities of the “embedded” partnership are synchronized with other civil component efforts – especially at the local level – greater efficiencies are gained toward building capacity and achieving stability.

To read this SOLLIMS Report please click on the link below or to download click on the button below.

SOLLMS Sampler Volume 1 Issue 1- Protection of Civilians in Peacekeeping Operations

This lessons-learned compendium contains just a sample – thus the title of “sampler” – of the observations, insights, and lessons related to the protection of civilians in conflict environments from the former SOLLIMS data repository. All data from SOLLIMS has been transitioned to JKO. These observations are worth sharing with military commanders and their staffs, as well as civilian practitioners with a Stability Operations-related mission / function – those currently deployed into conflict environments, those planning to deploy, the institutional Army, policy makers and other international civilian and military leaders at the national and theater level.

The State-Owned Enterprise as a Vehicle for Stability

As providers of essential public or commercial services, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are important in modern economies. Since SOEs are ubiquitous in the global economy, they are likely to be present in conflict-prone societies. In such environments, the defining political and economic systems within which the SOEs exist are likely to embody the interests both of participants in the conflict and of those hoping for an end to the conflict.