MONUSCO Lesson Report

During the May 2013 to April 2014 timeframe, intelligence support within the United Nations Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) was hindered by equipment shortfalls, personnel shortfalls, lack of patrolling by units, and deficiencies in information-sharing.

This MONUSCO Lesson Report contains a selection of lessons on the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), drawn from the SOLLIMS database.

To read this lesson click on the link below or to download this lesson click on the Download button below.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume5 Issue 4- Reconstruction and Development

The complexities of Reconstruction and Development – finding ways to immediately engage local groups in reconstruction efforts; establishing priorities for infrastructure development (power, roads, ports, telecommunications, schools, hospitals/clinics, etc.); generating employment / providing jobs for the unemployed and the underemployed; determining feasibility of public works programs; rehabilitating the agricultural sector; developing an effective civil service; partnering with host nation organizations/officials; conducting economic assessments; identifying and prioritizing projects, businesses, and economic activities along with associated resourcing; soliciting participation from the private sector and multinational corporations; and so on – have challenged civilian and military leaders, planners, and practitioners over the course of recent operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other countries and regions. This report provides eight lessons from the SOLLIMS database that highlight the importance of discussing, dissecting, and analyzing these difficult issues of Reconstruction and Development – and the greater need for crafting.

To read this Sampler please click on the link below or to download click on the button below.

Special Edition – Lessons on Stability Operations from U.S. Army War College Students (2014)

This Special Edition – Lessons on Stability Operations from U.S. Army War College Students (2014) compendium provides a number of lessons learned submitted by U.S. Army War College students while attending elective courses on stability operations.  These lessons cover the following topics: improving local governance in Iraq; early reconstruction and security issues in Iraq; interagency teaming in southern Afghanistan; management/control over the Commander’s Emergency Response Program (CERP); integration opportunities between the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps and USAID; requirements for Training & Education on stability operations; development challenges in northern Mexico; and, a planning tool/strategy for development and capacity-building.

FM 3-07 Stability Operations

FM 3-07 Stability Operations contributes to the Army and joint community by providing tactical guidance on the conduct of
operations focused on stability. FM 3-07 addresses employment of forces in the conduct of operations focused on stability. FM 3-07 expounds on the doctrinal fundamentals and concepts established in ADRP 3-0 and ADRP 3-07. Readers should be familiar with ADRP 3-07, which establishes the doctrinal fundamentals for the conduct of operations focused on stability.

To view or download the document please click on the link below.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 5 Issue 2- Overcoming “Challenges & Spoilers” with “Unity & Resolve”

Welcome to the April 2014 edition of the Stability Operations Lessons Learned and Information Management System (SOLLIMS) Lessons Learned “Sampler” – Overcoming “Challenges & Spoilers” with “Unity & Resolve.” The general structure of the “Sampler” includes (1) an Introduction that provides an operational or doctrinal perspective for the content, (2) the Sampler “Quick Look” that provides a short description of the topics included within the Sampler and a link to the full text, (3) the primary, topic-focused Stability Operations (SO)-related Lesson Report, and (4) links to additional reports and other references that are either related to the focus” topic or that address current, real-world, SO-related challenges. To read or download this SOLLIMS Sampler click on the link or download button below.

SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 5 Issue 1- Improving Host Nation Security through Police Forces

A safe and secure environment is one in which the population has the freedom to pursue daily activities without the fear of persistent or large-scale violence. Such an environment is characterized by absence of conflict; the protection of citizens, communities, government officials, infrastructure, and cultural/historical sites; the freedom for people and goods to move about the country and across borders without fear of harm; and, an adequate level of “public order.” “Public order” is the condition whereby laws are enforced equitably; the lives, property, freedoms, and rights of individuals are protected; criminal and politically motivated violence has been reduced to a minimum; and, criminal elements – from looters and rioters to leaders of organized crime networks – are pursued, arrested, and detained. Without question, police forces are critical enablers for both “public order” and the establishment of a safe and secure environment.

To read or download this SOLLIMS Sampler click on the link or download button below.