SOLLIMS Sampler Volume 6 Issue 4 – Shifts in United Nations Peacekeeping

UN Peacekeeping has recently experienced a number of “firsts” – the return of Europe to peacekeeping in Africa after two decades, an increase in intelligence capabilities in PK missions, the utilization of UAVs, the deployment of a UN ‘offensive’ combat force, and the opening of UN bases to protect civilians.  Missions have also suffered from sexual exploitation and benefited from all-female police units.  This Sampler provides Lessons on these topics in light of the June 2015 HIPPO Report.

SOLLIMS Sampler Special Edition – Cross-Cutting Guidelines for Stability Operations

July 8, 2015

Cross-Cutting Guidelines for Stability Operations: This special edition SOLLIMS Sampler provides Lessons Learned on the following cross-cutting principles: Host Nation Ownership & Capacity; Political Primacy; Legitimacy; Unity of Effort; Security; Conflict Transformation; and, Regional Engagement.  These principles are outcome-focused; they serve as overarching themes that should guide all actions/efforts toward desired stability outcomes.

SOLLIMS Sampler Special Edition – U.S. Army War College Students (2015)

May 15, 2015

In Academic Year 2015, U.S. Army War College students in PKSOI elective courses were given the opportunity to enter a lesson learned into the SOLLIMS database – based on operational experience, course readings, research, or case studies. Most lessons were at the strategic level; however, several students also submitted lessons at the operational and tactical levels. Lessons encompassed an array of stability topics, including Security, Development, and Rule of Law.