This month’s issue of the Women, Peace and Security in the Military News Round Up: January includes articles on U.S. Army advances in WPS through key events highlighting Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III addressed West Point, emphasizing the critical role of women in the military and urging support for all service members. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken announced U.S. recognition of a new Syrian government focused on women’s rights and countering terrorism. The U.S. Naval War College’s 11th Women, Peace, and Security Symposium gathered global leaders to discuss the integration of gender perspectives in security, highlighting women’s vital contributions. For these and more WPS news, click on the link above.

DoD’s core responsibility during stabilization is to support and reinforce the civilian efforts of the USG lead agencies consistent with available statutory authorities, primarily by providing security, maintaining basic public order, and providing for the immediate needs of the population. DoD’s role in stabilization fits within the larger whole of government context of laws, regulations and policies pertaining to the National Security Strategy (NSS), U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability (USPCPS), Stabilization Assistance Review (SAR), and National Defense Strategy (NDS).

This lesson collection offers some insight into topics and concepts DoD should recognize or consider as it plans and programs itself to partner with other federal agencies across the stabilization spectrum. They are generally framed in the construct of policy discourse, equipment and material, and personnel and organizational structure. There are also three case studies herein that assess past US and international military actions that may be reconsidered as DSS efforts. This collection is not a comprehensive review of all aspects of DSS as understood today. Instead, it continues articulation of DSS opportunities and challenges both externally and internally.

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